CASE STUDY: The Las Vegas Wash's (UN)brand

While not officially considered a rebranding, this internal client (an ecology branch of the Southern Nevada Water Authority) had previously been considered “difficult” and so was handed to me for special attention. Because I knew I would be responsible for a variety of projects, I created a brand style for the client and adapted it to whichever projects came my way. This included a dedicated color scheme, font choice, and even a slight modification of the logo to render it easier to use throughout multiple applications.

CASE STUDY: ywca and the high profile brand

Up until 2016, YWCA's brand held steadily at PMS 172 and Arial Black. For any YWCA project, it’s been imperative for me to design within brand guidelines but also to provide creative solutions to what might have been tired, repetitive information delivery. 

We hired Jennifer to design an invitation and accompanying program book for our black-tie fundraiser. Not only was her work well-received by those in attendance, but our sponsors were very pleased with the professionalism of the pieces. Jennifer was easy to work with and kept to established timelines - something that is oftentimes rare in this day and age! ---Kristi Brennan


Jennifer has designed for the big guys after all, and it shows. Jennifer had just the design expertise and professional insight I needed to translate my vision into reality. Thank you, Jennifer. You enhanced the conversation I’m having with my clients. And I’m busier than ever. --Jared Redick

The workbook: more than a PDF

Jared's work is often regarded as an inflection point for many of his clients. In this workbook, I extended the font and color scheme from his brand but instead of a bridge to symbolize transition, I drew a literal depiction of an inflection point. 

The workbook is a downloadable, fully interactive PDF with links to important websites, page transitions, and embedded Excel templates. I also provided copyediting as needed. 

*product was developed for and recommended to graduate students throughout the University of California system*